Meet Deedra white

My name is Deedra White and I have two beautiful daughters, I love to travel and do photography in my spare time. Growing up I always wanted to follow my grandmother’s footsteps and get into the medical field; I just wasn’t sure how. She was a nurse for many years before she passed away from cancer. In 2012 I decided to pursue a career in Medical Assisting, during that time I discovered a love and fascination for Phlebotomy. How the integrity of the specimen affects the results, what each tube does and how vital a phlebotomist’s role is in the care of the patient. Throughout my time working in physician offices, patient service centers and hospitals with various types of patients I realized the need for a mobile phlebotomy company. A service that allows you to remain in the comfort of your own home and still get the care you need.

Meet the Team Helping Hands

It’s unfortunate when you hear patients say they’ve been trying to get their labs drawn for weeks or months simply because either they don’t have transportation or because the lab isn’t open when they are able to come, which in turn could potentially prolong them receiving the treatment they need. What about those single parents who need bloodwork and just don’t have the time to get their labs because the lab is closed when they get off work or they don’t have anyone to watch their children so they can make it to the lab. Our goal is not only to restore and maintain a level of independence to our elderly community but to take the stress out of maintaining a healthy life for our patients and their families.